Trellis Hardware - 3 Important Upgrades
We are proud to announce three important upgrades to our sensor stations & base stations in 2019. While our units were online an astounding 97% last year, we are always seeking ways to improve the dependability of our hardware, while always putting simplicity & ease of use first.
More durable 12’ antenna: We increased the durability of our 12 ft. antenna with a strengthened & more flexible fiberglass that is able to better withstand spray boom collisions & harsher elements.
New Sensor Station Configuration: The sensor station “box” is now completely separated from the antenna. This not only makes the unit more secure during collisions, but also ensures that the probe is not disturbed when the antenna (inevitably) gets hit.
More Powerful Solar Panel: Our base stations are equipped with more powerful solar panels. This will allow the base station to provide excellent connectivity, despite longer periods of inadequate sunlight or harsher environmental conditions.
Don’t forget, our success is your success. We can’t wait for you to give our new products a try! Best of luck this season!
Installing our new 12’ antenna in Florida.